Two of Cups
Tarot Card Meaning & InterpretationTwo of Cups / Chalices Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meaning
Symbolism and Interpretation
Upright Meaning
Relationship in the context of the sacred, community, and ancestors.
Harmony, bright times, attraction, romantic love. A profound, supportive, and powerful relationship. Someone who sees you as you are and is a like-minded and kindred spirit. Vulnerability and trust. A bond that can stand the test of time if you let it. One is transformed. A deepening connection within one’s relationship.
One works well together with one’s partner. Not a lot of money at this time, but enough to get by and not have to worry about finances.
Successful negotiations. A partnership is well favored. Entering into binding agreements and contracts that will have a long-term impact on one’s life.
Reversed Meaning
Co-dependency. A lack of boundaries. Losing one’s identity and sense of self, loss of separate interests. A relationship that can become unhealthy or toxic. Needing space and time to oneself.