Seven of Cups

Tarot Card Meaning & Interpretation

Seven of Cups / Chalices Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meaning

Symbolism and Interpretation

The Seven of Chalices


A Siren/Mermaid holds a mirror and points at either the mirror or the seven chalices floating in the sky behind her. Each chalice contains an image suggestive of temptations and creative ideas. 

Alternate version: An angel reaches skyward, where seven chalices float in front of a rainbow sky.



The seven virtues


The seven deadly sins

Upright Meaning

Mystical visions, creativity, spiritual illumination. A need to prioritize one’s projects and activities. “When one does not feel like writing, suddenly doing the dishes becomes the most important thing in the world.”

Desire, temptation, options, choices, and the dichotomy between Living the Dream and Being Stuck in a Dreamworld. one has multiple paths open, multiple ideas for what one might want in one’s life, but you can’t do it all and have it all, no matter how hard you try. And some of the visions look so very glamorous and awesome but can lead to utter disaster.

Temptations and opportunities: many doors are open. One has the option to choose the path of integrity, living in accordance with one’s values and making right choices, or by either omission or action, descending into debauchery, missing the mark, and failing.

So you have to choose wisely, make a commitment, take action, and start making your dreams into reality. Because otherwise you are just living in fantasy and illusion, building castles in the air, but not really accomplishing anything at all.


Reversed Meaning

Temptation, fantasies of power and greed, and an admonishment to choose wisely among options and not build one’s castles in the air.

Overwhelmed by choices and options. Creative block. One does not know or feel where to begin to bring ideas into the concrete world. Too much preparing and planning and list-making can itself be a form of procrastination. The “shit or get off the pot” card.

Unrealistic goals and expectations. Choices now will have long term effects.

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