Acrylics on a 4×6 canvas board, like all the rest of the paintings.
I started this one yesterday, but saved it to finish today so it would be dry enough for final details. So much for my exercise of “one hour paintings”, lol. This went in a totally different direction than I expected. I started with an inspiration from looking at medieval illuminations by Hildegard of Bingen, then getting captivated by vintage photos of Victorian children on rocking horses and Japanese landscape paintings. Then I stared at the blank canvas for a bit. Looks to be the first in a Phouka series.
The study notes with the final painting:
Inspiration for this work:
Color inspiration began with looking at a lot of Japanese landscape paintings, mainly from the Edo period.
The Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen (not an affiliate link at this time).
I looked at a lot of vintage photos similar to this one: